A few thoughts about travel planning

1.) Whether is a long weekend of a three week vacation, for me the planning is as fun at times as the travel. I love learning about new places & things. But I also enjoy visiting old favorites! 2.) When it comes to travel with children, I believe in starting them young. My son’s first …

Why do we travel?

It’s a great question to think and reflect about. Travel allows us to see different places and cultures, try different foods and experiences, and learn about others on so many levels. Some people travel to see and learn what’s different, some to see and learn what’s the same as what they are used to. When …

Who am I?

I am someone who has a life long love of travel. I’m very fortunate to have had parents who liked to travel and therefore almost every summer growing up we piled into the car for a great American (or sometimes Canadian) road-trip. Now as an adult I am a wife, mother and daughter (among other …