And we are back…

Dear readers, I know it’s been awhile. And that could be said about so many things. But for our family of travelers, this week has been our first time really back traveling since everything shut down last March. We’ve had two driving trips to Minnesota to see family for a birthday and a communion but …

Life under COVID, changing perspectives…

So I’ve been super quiet the last few months because it seems wierd to write about travel with everything that’s been going on. As most of you know the name for this page comes from the fact that my usual travel party consists of some combination of myself, my husband, our 3 year old and …

Dreams of beaches and sun…

I don’t know about you, but when I get to this time of year, where it starts to get warmer, and the days are visibly longer, if I don’t have any trips planned I start to get stir crazy. And when I say “trips” I mean vacation. (We have plans to visit family for a …