And we are back…

Dear readers, I know it’s been awhile. And that could be said about so many things. But for our family of travelers, this week has been our first time really back traveling since everything shut down last March. We’ve had two driving trips to Minnesota to see family for a birthday and a communion but …

Checking in…

So starting a travel blog shortly before a global pandemic was probably not my best idea but if we had crystal balls and could see into the future we’d do a lot of things differently… that being said I figured it was time for me to start posting again… To everyone who has read/visited my …

Life under COVID, changing perspectives…

So I’ve been super quiet the last few months because it seems wierd to write about travel with everything that’s been going on. As most of you know the name for this page comes from the fact that my usual travel party consists of some combination of myself, my husband, our 3 year old and …

A few of our favorite things… from our time in Phoenix, Arizona

We went to Arizona over the holidays with a total 8 people. 3 kids 7 and under (my son and my nieces). 5 adults (My sister and I and our husbands and our mom) so truly a 3 generation trip! Overall we have a fantastic time. Its always good to get together and to see …

Making a list…

And checking it twice… When my son was first born we made an extremely thorough list of what to take with us when we traveled (since we were flying we also had a list of what we could guarantee to pick up at Target to save weight). As we’ve traveled more, we’ve been more confident …

Learning the balance between planning and overbooking…

When planning travel, especially to somewhere you’ve never been its always extremely tempting (to me at least) to plan out various activities that we want to do. Depending on where you are traveling its not just tempting, its a necessity. For example if you are going to Walt Disney World and it is your little …

Travel at the Holidays…

Travel at the Holidays, especially family travel can be stressful, but it can also be extremely rewarding. I love seeing how different places are decorated and getting to experience local traditions. Last weekend we changed our plans and spent Saturday night in the Wisconsin Dells. This change meant that we got to see some of …

A few thoughts on road trips and our Thanksgiving travel

Let me start by explaining that we live in the Chicago area and my sister and her family live in the Twin Cities. We are blessed to have airports with hubs but this does not mean that we have an easy time with flying to see each other. After a flight issue caused us to …

The Holidays are here again… some of my favorite festive things in Chicago…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… and truly it is a wonderful time to travel and see new things. We have a child who LOVES holiday lights. His first trip to Disney World the lights on Cinderella’s castle were the most magical thing to him. And 3 years later he still loves any …