Why do we travel? (and a few other ramblings…)

There are numerous articles and sources out there which state that children do not benefit from travel until they are almost double digits. They claim that babies and toddlers need routine in order to thrive. While there is some element in truth in the routine aspect, children can also benefit from travel and seeing the …

Fall Travel – tips our most recent travels

In most of the Northern Hemisphere fall is in full swing. For me this year, this meant that I finally got to take a one of my “dream trips”. I’ve always wanted to go to New England in the fall and see the leaves. This may sound silly but I’ve always loved the different colors …

Why do we travel?

It’s a great question to think and reflect about. Travel allows us to see different places and cultures, try different foods and experiences, and learn about others on so many levels. Some people travel to see and learn what’s different, some to see and learn what’s the same as what they are used to. When …